

AS3 Tip Of the Day

I thought that I haven’t any times to write any words about AS3.
kirupaForum, I found that senocular had wrirted a great article!
Here are his words:
The release of Flex Builder 2 is around the corner and though the next version of Flash is still a ways away, ActionScript 3 will be a big part of Flex 2 and the impending release of Flash Player 9 (which arrives with Flex). ActionScript 3 is the next step forward and to help with the transition (for those of you deciding to make it), I thought, since I've been working with AS3 a bit lately, I'd make a new Tip of the Day thread for ActionScript 3.0 to help people prepare. -- senocular

Announce: senocular has the real copyWrite

The release of Flex Builder 2 is around the corner and though the next version of Flash is still a ways away, ActionScript 3 will be a big part of Flex 2 and the impending release of Flash Player 9 (which arrives with Flex). ActionScript 3 is the next step forward and to help with the transition (for those of you deciding to make it), I thought, since I've been working with AS3 a bit lately, I'd make a new Tip of the Day thread for ActionScript 3.0 to help people prepare. -- senocular

声明: senocular拥有最终的著作版权.

--- ---Aedis.Ju


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